2009-04-24 - Version 1.0.0Initial Release.
2009-04-25 - Version 1.0.1Fixed bug with auto focus message field for IE.
Fixed bug for style ProSilver in IE6.
Fixed indicator (load, error, ok) for IE.
Fixed sound (now the place where the sound is hiden).
Fixed bug for Apache2 (did not send status query).
Minor bugfixes.
2009-04-26 - Version 1.0.2Added the ability to not allow use special bbcodes.
Fixed errors in server log (Undefined variable: mchat_include_index in .../mchat.php).
2009-05-01 - Version 1.2.0New installer for database.
jQuery fixed a conflict with other JavaScript Library.
Added archive of messages.
Added a limit on the maximum number of characters in one message.
Remember smiles or bbcodes position after refresh page.
New code in the mChat AJAX JavaScript file.
All JavaScript files are compressed.
Added the ability to mute the sound.
Other minor changes.
2009-05-09 - Version 1.2.5IE console error fix.
Fixed a bug where the chat is disabled and it makes requests to the database (SQL).
Fixed message limit in edit mode.
Added the chat on mchat.php page (custom page).
Smiles fix.
Added the ability to disable the archive for users/guest.
Many other changes.
Compatible with AutoMOD.
2009-05-22 - Version 1.2.6Added a limit on the maximum number of word characters in one message.
Added cleaner for messages (only for founder).
Corrected a few errors in JavaScript file.
Added the ability to change the date format.
Added Spanish language thanks to Ahri89.
Added Polish language thanks to napus.
Fixed header status problem in Opera browser.
2011-01-16 - Version 1.2.6aUpdated jQuery to 1.4.4
Corrected root path in mchat.php
Fixed empty message if user only inputs bbcodes.
Fixed bbcode button issue for IE8 (changed input to textarea).
2011-02-01 - Version 1.2.6bImproved "DIY instructions".
Cleaned mchat.php code.
Now for new line in editor use (\n) or for multiple (\n\n\n...) Example: mChat 1.2.6b(\n)By AllCity(\n\n\n)Visit to
http://web-codes.net/IE style fix.
2011-02-07 - Version 1.2.6cUpdated jQuery to 1.5
Added the ability to users ignore flood control.
Removed Spanish language (you can download it from my site).
Removed Polish language (you can download it from my site).
Removed Screenshot in contrib folder.
Change default flood time to 60 seconds.
2011-02-14 - Version 1.2.6dFixed bug if user name have ' tag thanks to VeloceRAPTOR for report.
Optimize SQL Queries.
Added title to |X|.
Fixed bug in flood control for guests.
New redirect system (returns to back page and not on index).
2013-07-06 - Version 1.2.7Fixed bug guest can send message thanks to dim565 for report.
Updated jQuery to 1.8.3 (In jQ 1.9+ removed too many functions used in mChat no time to fix this sorry).
Changed allcity.net.ru to web-codes.net

Added logs to moderator logs and ACP.
Now you can delete all message in chat to special user in ACP...
Minor fixes!
Improved "DIY instructions" (Removed secret code).
Optimized mchat.php code.
Fixed background color after delete message.
2013-10-08 - Version 1.2.8Fixed validation problems.
Fixed CSRF issues.
Optimized templates.
2013-11-14 - Version 1.2.9Fixed div instruction.
Added russian translation to installation instruction.
Optimized templates.
Fixed HTML validation problems. (W3C)
Changed 2 spaces to tabs.
Removed index.htm file from mchat folder.
2014-02-01 - Version 1.3.0UMIL Installer.
Added ACP (from addon).
Added Ban system (from addon).
Added avatar (from addon).
Added who's chatting (from addon).
Informer for new topics or replies in mChat (from addon).
Added the ability to disable chat from index page (from addon).
Added the ability to disable chat for guest from index page (from addon).
Meesage (No messages!) now show after ~1 sec after deleting all messages.
Optimized mchat.php code.
Optimized AJAX JavaScript code.
Update jQuery Cookie plugin to 1.4.0.
Added the ability to show messages at bottom.
Other minor changes.